Data Quality as Code

Bring confidence to your data warehouse.

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Developer First  Data Quality

Move Fast and Check Immediately
Integrate data quality into the development phase with fast tests and faster checks.
Benefit from a framework designed to prevent errors and enforce best practices.
Author flexible tests that benefit from the same developer experience as your models.
Enhanced Security at the Core
See the downstream effect of your changes on every compile with impact analysis.
Add proactive data quality to your CI/CD with SDF's open source Github action.
Data quality tool SDF

New Paradigms for Better Data Quality

SDF provides both compile time and run time data quality tools to help your data operations scale.

Compile Time
Data quality tool SDF
Run Time
Data quality tool SDF

Column-Level Lineage You Can Actually Trust

Precise as Your SQL
Trust column-level lineage directly derived from the SQL itself.
Develop Alongside Lineage
Visualize column lineage as you make changes with downstream impacts.
Lineage, Now With Types
Types and classifications flow with your column-level lineage.
Analytics engineering tool SDF

Shift Data Quality to the Left

Proactively identify bugs before they break critical pipelines and dashboards with SDF Checks and Reports. Traditional data quality systems scan massive amounts of production data to detect anomalies and identify bugs. This is costly and error-prone. SDF identifies the same anomalies and bugs in CI/CD and during development, saving your team precious developer cycles and compute costs.

Complete Warehouse  Reporting

Optimize costs, track sensitive data, and identify areas for improvement with simple queries against the SDF information schema. Critical insights about your tables, columns, and classifications are just a few lines of SQL away with SDF Reports.
Run Reports about your SQL with SQL
Statically Track the Presence of Sensitive Data
Keep your Warehouse Clean and Compute Costs Low
Data warehouse tool SDF

Developer Centric  Data Governance

Power Your Catalog with Rich Metadata
Enrich your data catalog with classifiers, lineage, descriptions, and more generated by SDF.
Enforce governance best practices by storing and versioning metadata as code.
Governance Enforced During Development
Respect sensitive data classifications with compile time checks that can be easily integrated into CI/CD.
Understand the flow of sensitive information during authoring, not after execution.
Data documentation
Data warehouse tool SDF

Label the Sources. Automate the Rest

Label root tables and watch as your classifiers flow through your entire warehouse automatically. Configure rules to tell SDF where to stop propagation or reclassify based on logic you define in YML.
<1% of Tables Need Manual Classifiers
Classifiers Propagate to the Other 99%
Flexible reclassification